Walmart in United States

Walmart in United States

Rating: 5. Reviewer: Walmart in United States - Item Reviewed: Walmart in United States - Support by: Walmart in United States. Walmart in United States help you found walmart store location around the United States of America. Enjoy your shopping trip at walmart stores with Walmart in United States site..

walmart in united states
Walmart store in New Jersey. photo by Bloomberg.

Walmart stories began their store in Arkansas in 1962. Since then, even though their company has grown across borders and abroad, the United States remains the heart of their business where they continue to test new ideas, learn from their customers and improve their capabilities to help people save money and live better.

Today, Walmart employs more than 1.5 million US colleagues in more than 5,000 national stores and clubs. Last year, they promoted more than 200,000 people to jobs with greater responsibilities and higher salaries. In the United States, the average full-time hourly wage is $14.03.

Walmart Money Services

Walmart money services comes in four categories; Credit & Prepaid Debit Cards, Send & Receive Money, Gift Cards and Other Money Services. All as by shown below;
  1. Credit & Prepaid Debit Cards: Walmart Credit Card,Walmart MoneyCard, American Express Bluebird, Netspend Visa, Rapid Reload
  2. Send & Receive Money: Money Transfers, Bill Pay & Money Orders, Check Cashing
  3. Gift Cards: Walmart Gift Cards, Walmart eGift Cards, Visa/MasterCard/AMEX Gift Cards, Corporate Gift Card Program, Other Gift Cards
  4. Other Money Services: Walmart Pay, Mobile Express Money Services, Check Printing, Tax Prep Services, Coinstar

Walmart Product Services

Walmart Product Services comes with prtection plans, in-home services, other product services and business services just like below;
  1. Protection plans: Walmart Protection Plans, File a Claim
  2. In-home Services: TV Wall Mounting, Furniture Assembly, Smart Home, Home Advisor
  3. Other Product Services: Personalized Products, Photo Printing, Trade-In Programs

Walmart Business Services

Walmart Business Services comes to help you more easily to shop and or business with walmart with their services;
  1. Walmart for Business: Corporate Gift Card Program, Promotional Products, Business Credit Card, Community Credit Card

Best More Walmart Services

In addition to the various services mentioned earlier, Walmart also has a lot of their best services that you can benefit to facilitate your daily life with Walmart, namely;
  1. Health Services: Pharmacy, Wellness Center, Vision Center, Refill a Prescription, Flu & Immunizations, Clinic Services
  2. Registry Services: Wedding, Baby, Event
  3. Auto Service: Auto Care Center, Auto Buying, Tire Finder
  4. Pet Services: Pet Medications, New Pet Parent Resources

Contact Walmart

Contact the Walmart Customer Service team to provide comments or ask questions about your Walmart local store or company headquarters. Call 1-800-925-6278 (1-800-WALMART)

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